We are a registered NGO, a social organization, working with poor and needy children for their education for an opportunity to attend school and help of community families in need. We support these children with their tuition fee, textbooks, uniforms, school supplies, notebooks and much more! When the deadly earthquakes of 2015 devastated Nepal, many homes, schools, businesses, and other infrastructure were destroyed or damaged. While many in the world community donated to help, little support has reached those who need it most, as funds have not been disbursed to most households. Many families still live in temporary structures, they are still lacking in daily necessities. The local government maintains a registry of all families affected by the earthquake. From this list, 250 children from our area were identified as needing educational support. Our mission is to raise funds for the following:
1. Sending children back to school to obtain a proper education
2. Community support for the economic growth
3. Relied work for natural disaster people
4. Health campaign, etc.
This organization is a non-profit, non-political, “charity organization”. The mission of this organization is to give educational support for the destitute and natural disaster children and the main aim of Care4Nepal is to provide the opportunity of a decent education, and in the long term, enable them and their families with support through community development projects.
Besides these, Care4Nepal has following objectives:
- To support the poor, helpless, orphans, and natural disaster children within the kingdom of Nepal and provide them with an education.
- To help the marginalized community as required.
- To cooperate with NGOs & INGOs in being a partners or semi-partners.
- To help with the sponsorship programs within different organizations, schools, etc.
So far we have been supporting 30 children from 5 different schools in their schooling and 50 families.